It's 10:30 in the morning, and you finally have all the breakfast dishes put away, the toys cleaned up, the diaper bag packed and the kids are dressed to go out the door. Suddenly, you realize that the baby has a dirty diaper and he needs to be changed before you head out the door.
Just then, your three year old begins screaming a painful cry at the top of his lungs while you are changing the baby's diaper. You rush to him to find him rubbing his eye. Something is in it and it's hurting him. You try washing it out with a wet wash cloth, but he is still crying a painful cry that anyone could hear from down the block. You try putting his head over the sink to splash water into his eyes, but to no avail.
All the while, the baby is hanging onto your legs, screaming as well, because he wants you and doesn't know what's going on with his big brother.
So you scoop up the baby and put him on one hip and put the toddler on the other hip, trying to figure out what to do, as they are both crying as loudly as their little lungs will allow them. Finally, you decide to strip the toddler of his clothes and put him in the shower, telling him to look up at the running water, in hopes that the piece of dirt, lint or eyelash will wash its way out of his eye.
Meanwhile, the baby decides that he wants to go in the shower too, so you take off his fresh diaper and the play clothes that you just put on him before you were about to leave for your outing. That was a task in itself because it was like wrestling a bear to try to get the sweet thing dressed!
Your toddler is still screaming, so you go into the shower in your clothes to try to comfort him and help him open his eyes to flush out the foreign object.
All three of you are wet now, but the crying subsides. Your toddler's eye is feeling much better. You dry yourself off and you get your children dried off and dressed again. You realize that it has almost been an entire hour of screaming and chaos. It is now lunch time. So much for the fun morning outing!
You get the kids dressed again and go to the kitchen to make lunch.
What's that all over the floor? What's that smell? The dogs had found the baby's dirty diaper that had been changed at the beginning of the ordeal. They shredded it, ate what was inside and then smeared whatever was leftover all over the floor......
And this is one of the hours in the life of a mother!
While I felt like I had no where to turn on this day, I know I was not alone. The rest of us aren't alone either. Sometimes we don't know quite where to turn during the tough times in life and we frequently find ourselves "on bended knees," praying to God for help during certain situations. What we often forget is that many of his answers for us are right in the Bible. We just have to take the time to look for them and read them.
In my blog I hope to share some of my own experiences and thoughts about children, motherhood and faith, but I also hope to give mothers advice on how to get through the ups and downs of motherhood. More importantly, I hope to lead mothers to specific passages in the Bible that will give them the comfort and reassurance that they need to be patient and loving mothers.
I hope that you will join me on my journey through motherhood and that we can find ourselves on bended knees together.
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